Compliance packaging
Having trouble keeping up with the medications and supplements you take?
Forget what times and how often you need to take them or just tired of opening and closing your prescription bottles? Our compliance packaging organizes your medications into daily time slots, so you know you’re taking them at the right time and frequency.
Compliance Packaging includes:
-Automatically filled and delivered every 4 weeks
– Free delivery
– Charge credit cards prior to delivery or collect on delivery if there are
– No calls for maintenance medications are required
– We automatically fax and call doctors for refills
– Bubble packs are labeled, including auxiliary labels and description of all the
– 28 day compliance pack or 30 day individual cards
– Never worry about waiting on medications coming in the mail
– Can re-package medications if a dose or strength gets changed
– We are local and you can expect the compliance packs on time every 4

Compliance Packaging Option #1
-Weekly cards that contain all your medications
-Labels along with the description of each medication will be attached to each card

Compliance Packaging Option #2
-Each medication packaged in its own 30 day card
-Every card will have a label along with medication description